Brian Woodbury, Self Portrait with bubbles.

Field Trip to Plymouth Rock, November 1970

Field Trip to Plymouth Rock, November 1970



I’ve been interested in photography since elementary school, where I took my plastic Diana camera on a field trip to Plymouth Rock. Things would have gone better that day if the back hadn’t kept falling off!

Over the years, my gear evolved, until that wonderful day I opened the box containing my first ‘professional’ camera, a Nikon F3. With it, I began my career as a freelance photographer, shooting a variety of subjects: weddings, portraits, monster trucks, sports, insurance, real estate, and entertainment to name a few.

With the arrival of digital photography, I took some time off to let the new medium evolve. When the time felt right, I bought equipment and took classes to familiarize myself with the new gear.  Hello computers and clicks, goodbye darkrooms and chemistry! 

For me, the most important things that have not changed are my ever observant ‘camera eye’, ability to work well with people, and tell a story.

When not out with a camera, I love to read, hike, and explore the woods. Ok, I do take a camera there to capture nature and scenic photos. I am drawn to fresh water, and love to canoe and kayak. I make my home in Litchfield, Maine.